Monday, August 11, 2008


This blog is going to be place for me to record my thoughts, feelings, observations, and the highs and lows as a student teacher. I have a lot in my head about what kind of teacher I want to become and figuring out how to get there is what I want to record here.

For a little background about me, I will be student teaching in the business education department. I am 28 years old and have spent the last five years working in the business world. I started out selling TV commercials, but the last four years I spent as an assistant branch manager of a nationwide bank. I am hoping to use all of the knowledge I gained during that time to help better prepare my students.

The thoughts and items posted in this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the other employees or the school where I am conducting my student teaching. I will never use the real names of anyone involved in my posts, especially my students for obvious reasons.

I am so excited to be finally embarking on this journey. I have been preparing for this for so long and I can't believe it is here. I look forward to providing an inside look at what goes into student teaching, with some coaching thrown in for good measure. Welcome!

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