Sunday, December 28, 2008
Intimidation Part II
For the past few months, I have been working on creating my own Personal Learning Network (PLN). I subscribe to twenty-something blogs related, both directly or indirectly to teaching and business education. I also started using Twitter and mainly follow the same people there whose blogs I subscribe to. The main reason for all of this activity is to become more connected with teachers all over the US and the world.
But those connections cannot happen without action on my part. I haven't posted to Twitter for a few days now, and it's not because of the holidays. I just flat out don't know what to say. I feel very intimidated writing knowing that these very distinguished educators will be reading what I write. With Twitter, I feel out of the loop because I am not currently teaching. I feel something like a fraud. I also don't have a lot of classroom experience to help my form my opinions and thoughts on the various topics that come up in discussion either on Twiter or blogs. I have the same feeling with commenting. I read an excellent post by Chris Lehman and I clicked on the comments. I had some thoughts in my head on the topic, but then I just closed the tab to comment. I know that I need to just get over it and start writing, but I am having a hard time.
I have also read some contradictory tips about what to write on Twitter. The tips mainly centered on not writing about what you are doing, i.e. I just finished eating dinner. I also found out ny lurking on Twitter that a lot of teachers post links to helpful articles or tech tips. I did that for a while, but I recently stopped because I found that I was researching earticles to post to Twitter and that it took away time from other things and that using Twitter usually doesn't require research. Also by lurked, I have found that some/most of the people I follow do include updates on what they currently are doing. I have been considering posting on that as well, but again the intimidation creeps in and I think that what I am doing is really insignificant to the others that I follow.
The other cause of anxiety/intimidation when I write online for my PLN is that I don't believe that I will contribute enough to the conversation. In order for these other educators to want to include me in their PLN's requires me to contribute thoughful, meaningful contributions to the discussion at hand, and I don't think that I have enough knowledge to do that.
I guess that in order to get over all of these fears, I just have to go out and start doing, whether it is tweeting or commenting.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
So I made up my mind that I was going to give Twitter a shot to see what is was all about. The signing up process was very quick and easy, but then came the hard part; the content. As I was considering joining Twitter, I also read up a lot on it, such as the do's and don'ts. One of the don'ts that stuck with me was to not just state what you are doing i.e. just finished dinner. I kept reading about making sure that you are providing value to the people who are following you, because who really cares that you are getting a cup of coffee. So after I started following the same authors of my blog roll, I now had to ensure that what I was posting was of value to these veteran Twitterers. I have a hard enough time coming up with ideas to blog about, let alone ideas to constantly post to Twitter. I know that I struggle as a writer getting the ideas and thoughts in my head onto paper, or the computer screen. I hope that one of the many benefits of blogging is to strengthen my writing ability, and I hope that Twitter does the same for me, albeit in a much shorter, to the point method.
As I have been using Twitter for a few days now, I have noticed a slight change in my behavior online. On my iGoogle page, I added a Twitter gadget to keep with my notworks tweets. Normally when I go to my iGoogle page, the first thing that I check was my Google Reader for any new blog posts. But suddenly, I am now scrolling down past my Reader box and going right to my Twitter box. The good news is that Twitter is living up to its billing as a tremendous place for resources. I currently follow about 20 people and I am having a hard time keeping up with it all. The good part is that a number of the people I follow are tweeting about links they find interesting. So I click on them and check them out. And then I read my Google reader. This is starting to take up a lot more of my time. In just a short time, I think that I am starting to suffer from some of the downsides to Twitter which is hyperconnectivity. Wes Fryer wrote an excellent piece about it the other day.
I can't agree with this more and I believe that in addition to teaching our students how to connect with the world properly, we should also teach them how to disconnect with the world as well. The only good that came of this is that when I teach digital discipline going forward, I will have a real life story to go along with it.People on both the pro and con sides of hyperconnectivity say it will influence people’s health. While those who fear it say it will cause stress-related illnesses, those who welcome it say the flexibility it offers may improve mental health.
I’m with those who predict more health-related problems with hyperconnectivity than helps. Look how we’re struggling now to keep up with email, SMS messages, blog posts, and other news-related media streams? Discipline is hard. I think digital discipline is only going to get more challenging in the months and years ahead.
From page 132:
This finding has BIG implications for our need for both digital discipline and digital dialog.HYPERCONNECTIVITY WILL CREATE UNREALISTIC WORK EXPECTATIONS AND STRESS, AND INTRUDE ON LIVES - Many people see hyperconnectivy as a threat. Among the hundreds of elaborations provided by the respondents, only a few people perceived that blending work and personal time would tilt people’s lives toward more time for family, friends, and personal pursuits.
I realize that I have only been using Twitter for just a few days now, and that I will start to get the hang of it and will stop being so intimidated.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I started this blog for many reasons but one of them was to strengthen my writing. I also feel that this whole exercise of creating and adding to my e-folio will also enhance my writing skills, but that is down the road. In the here and now, I am very frustrated with the slow going.
I was very excited to create my own personal website to showcase myself to potential suitors, but I think that I was excited about the idea, not necessarily the creation of said website. Adding the text that explains my vision as an educator has proved to be very difficult for me. The only good thing is that hopefully this challenge will prepare me for job interviews.
I think that the frustration lies in the fact that I see so many wonderful examples of people expressing their own educational philosophies so well on the web. I read these posts, become motivated to create my own, and then sit at the keyboard for long periods of time suffering from writers block.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am oftentimes pulled into numerous directions due to all of the blogs that I subscribe to. Like I said above, they provide plenty of motivation, but I think that they often complicate and muddle the overall picture that I am trying to create for myself. I have often questioned myself about the adequate number of blogs that a teacher should subscribe to. When I was student teaching, I had trouble keeping up with my Google Reader. I wondered if I was spending too much time reading blog posts and not enough time planning and creating for teaching. With the technology still so new and everyone feeling their way through it, I think that everyone will have to find their own balance.
Well, this has been a meandering post, but has also been therapeutic as I have been continually typing and letting the ideas just flow. Hopefully, this will cure my writers block and allow more of the ideas to come naturally.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Using Humor
As I was observing these four teachers, across different subject areas, one thing in particular stood out to me. All use humor in the classroom, and do so incredibly well. As a result, they all have a classroom full of engaged students. Each teacher used humor in a slightly different way, but all had the same effect. One was a smart alack, another used pop culture references, and the other two were sarcastic. I think this use of humor blends seamlessly with how intense they are when teaching. I realized some differences with how I present information and how they do. In addition to using humor, they also are loud and animated. I can easily see why they have the great reputation that they do.
Using humor is something that I tried to incorporate into my bag of teaching tricks. Some of the time it worked but more often than not, it didn't. I realize that some people are born funny and a large part of being funny is your personality. But I think that I was starting to find my place in the classroom and could be starting down that path to being an engaging teacher. I enjoyed some of the back and forth that I had with a few of my students. The funny part is that the keynote speaker at the IBEA conference spoke about how to incorporate humor into teaching. As I sit here and reflect on my student teaching experience, it dovetails nicely with my experience at the IBEA conference.
Seeing these teachers in action motivated me to make humor a much bigger part of my instruction.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
What doesn't kill you....
It is definitely a bittersweet moment for me. On the one hand, I am glad to be done with the time-suck known as lesson plan creation and all of the stress that it created. But on the other hand, I really miss the actual act of teaching the students. I finished teaching on Tuesday and on Wednesday, I was in a funk. It took me a few days to figure it out, but I believe it is because I am no longer able to interact with and lead a hundred teenagers.
...Makes you stronger
This was my mantra I kept saying to myself the last few weeks. My cooperating teachers definitely made it difficult for me, but I feel like I will be a better teacher as a result. In two of my three preps, I had to fill the last month and a half with material that I created myself and I couldn't use anything that either of my cooperating teachers used. There were plenty of moments when I was so frustrated and upset with them. But I know that that is how my first year of teaching is going to be like. I want to have the classes be my own and the only way for that is to do everything yourself. I went out for a few drink with some of the other teachers and I was talking to a first year teacher. I told her what was required of me and she told me that she was doing the same thing right now. So I feel better prepared for my first year. Talking with other student teachers in my college program, I am a little ahead of the pack in that regard. I think it is also something I will bring up on job interviews as well, to try and separate myself from everyone else. I am glad that my cooperating teachers had high standards for me and didn't let me take the easy way out and just use their materials. (I hope to replicate these high standards for my students.)
The best part was that I had an opportunity to say all of this to my cooperating teachers before they left on Tuesday. And they also returned the nice praises as well. It was nice to hear that the hard work was worth the effort.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
IBEA Conference
It took us forever to get down to Effingham from Chicagoland. From car trouble to rain to fog, it was all a bad omen for things to come. The conference started off poorly for me as the first presentation I went to ended up being nothing like the description in the booklet. The presenters broke every rule of PowerPoint presentations, which might be ok elsewhere, but not in a room full of business educators who teach proper presentation etiquette (i.e not reading directly off the screen). Most of the presentations I attended were this way. I felt bad constantly telling Jon how the conference I went to last year was so much better. The food for dinner Thursday night was really bad. It was a Jimmy Buffet theme, so I understood why we we served cheeseburgers, but they were not edible in the least. At least they gave us plenty of drink tickets. Friday, I did manage to see a worthwhile presentation about Microsoft Expression Studio. It sounds very promising and something I want to investigate further. The last session I went to was for new professionals. It was supposed to be more like a round-table discussion, but it ended up mainly being the four presenters providing us with tips and advice.
The other main reason why I wanted to go was the networking opportunities. The problem with going to the conference with someone is that you don;t really talk to anyone else. We ended up having dinner with some other Young teachers from downstate. So were all very nice, but I don't see any networking opportunities resulting from it. However, I was definitely glad that In had Jon there to commiserate with.
I am thinking about attending the NBEA conference because it will be here in Chicago. I just hope it won't be like the IBEA conference.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Going to State!!!
Student Evaluations
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cross Country
On that note, the head coach is and will be a huge influence on me. The program that he runs at this school is absolutely amazing. It goes beyond the fact that his teams go to state every year. It is about his level of commitment, how he makes running fun so kids want to come out, and how he demands their best, without being a jerk about it.
The great part is that the head coach right now is so completely different from my own high school cross country coach. They were/are both very distinguished head coaches, but that is were the similarities end. I am now able to see two completely different approaches to coaching and also craft my own vision for the type of coach I want to be.
I have gotten out of coaching just as much as I have put in. The one main lesson that I have learned from coaching is that it is still teaching, but just in a different environment.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Power of Sharing
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Classroom Management
The same goes for my Computer class. My cooperating teacher told e to switch the seats around now that we switched units. So I moved a student who I was concerned about right in front of the teacher's station so I could keep an eye on her and make sure that she was keeping pace with everyone else. The next day, I was on her quite a bit about keeping up. She talked back and was getting increasingly frustrated with my numerous requests to keep pace. So the next day, after speaking with my cooperating teacher, I filled out a detention slip but didn't sign it. I explained everything to her, but she still didn't cooperate. I gave her the detention, and since then, she has been a lot better. I like the students where just testing me to see if I would actually act on what I was saying. I kept telling my 8th hour Intro class that I would give them a seating chart, but I never backed that talk up until now. The same goes for the student in my computer class. I showed her the detention form filled out but not signed at the beginning of class. She still didn't do what I said, until I actually gave her the detention form.
Always Something To Do
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TheRoller-Coaster Ride of Teaching
Monday, September 22, 2008
Student Issues
I also got to send an email home to a parent who was wondering why her daughter's grade was slipping. My cooperating teacher just told me to write it, but I had her check it afterwords. She took out all of my niceties and made the email so it was a lot more direct. Both the email and the phone call were tremendous learning opportunities for me. I now feel more confident about dealing with parents in the future as a result of these experiences.
I am just starting to get a grasp of ALL of the other things that are involved in the role of teacher, besides just teaching. And dealing with parents is just the tip of the iceberg.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Settling In
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Two weeks in
Saturday, August 30, 2008
1st Week
The biggest thing for me this past week was actually starting to teach some periods. I spoke with my cooperating teachers about mostly observing the first week and easing into teaching. I had watched the first section of Computer Business Applications and helped out a student with the same assignment in the Computer Skills class the next hour. So after lunch, I was supposed to observe CBA again. I don't know why, but I turned to my cooperating teacher and asked her if I could teach the lesson. She said sure and I was off and running. It went very well; so well in fact that my cooperating teacher left the room for a little while. Instead of that concerning me, it actually gave me confidence. It was validated once the period was over and she told me nice job.
My low point came during my 8th hour Intro to Business class the second day. I already had taught Intro 3rd hour and didn't realize I was speeding through the lesson during 8th hour. So I got to the end of the lesson really early. I had 10 minuted left and didn't know what else to do. It was not enough time to launch into what we had planned for the next day, and I had just finished going around the room and having the class introduce themselves to me. My cooperating teacher and I were unsure of what to do, so we just let them talk for the rest of the period. I really hated to do that because I don't want to send the message to my students that if they don't talk during the lesson and we get finished early that they can just blow off the rest of the period. But I fear that that is exactly what happened. So we will see how the semester pans out with that class.
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day
I was able to get to school when I was aiming for and started right away with the finishing up prepping for the days activities. I was concerned because there was still so much that I hadn't covered with either of my cooperating teachers, but we finalized what we had. When 1st period started, we only had just a few small hiccups. The only issues were having two teachers, and both of us figuring out when to start and stop talking. But other than that, it all went very smooth. It was nice to have lunch with a handful of people, as opposed to how I would have to eat by myself at my previous job. Plus, it allowed my to meet some other teachers in the building. They seem like an entertaining group.
The highlight of my day came during 7th hour during Computer Business Applications (CBA). I had had a few sections of CBA earlier in the day and was pretty well rehearsed on what we were doing for the day. So I turned to my cooperating teacher and asked her if I could take it. She said sure, and I was off. I was able to hit all of the main points in the course overview piece and was able to talk to class through all of the steps for the pre-test from memory. I knew I was doing a good job when she left the classroom for a little while. When the class was over, she complimented me on my performance.
I like how my day is laid out for me, (so fay anyways). It is nice to have 9th (final) period off, as it gave me a chance to get ready for tomorrow, and also ready for cross-country practice. Cross-country was pretty long today because we had to get to a lot of miscellaneous things like handing out uniforms and picture order forms. When you throw in the 5 mile fartlek run I did during practice, it all made for one long day. But I can't complain because all of my classes went smoothly today and thier doesn't seem to be any major issues with any students, (again, so far).
Monday, August 18, 2008
Am I ready?
I shifted my focus from Computer Business Applications(CBA) to Intro to Business (Intro). My cooperating teacher told me that we will pretty much take CBA lesson by lesson. So now I have been pouring over the Intro book, trying to find ways to incorporate more cooperative learning, groupwork, and activities, instead of the lecture route. I also have been frustrated because I haven't been able to find a suitable icebreaker for the needs/wants lesson of the first day. I met with both of my cooperating teachers last spring and the one who teaches intro told me that she was looking for a new icebreaker for the needs/wants section. All that I have been able to find are aimed at elementary students. The last thing I want to do is start off the school year by talking down to my students. Hopefully, I will come up with something before Thursday, when I have a district and school-wide meeting and prep work afterwards.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Diving In Head First
I can't wait to meet with my cooperating teacher to get some concrete plans for the upcoming school year. I feel like I am going to be unprepared and disappoint her if I don't show her all of the things that I have going on in my head regarding the type of teacher I want to be. For example, I want to show her my classroom management plans and also a rough draft of a syllabus. Is this too much? Not enough? I am going to error on the side of preparedness and show her what I have. Suddenly the golden rule of teaching (You can never be too prepared to teach) flooded back into my brain as I typed that last statement.
I am also excited about starting my coaching duties. I am lucky enough to have to opportunity to help out coach the boys cross-country team. On top of that, the coach has won a state title before, so I am getting to learn from a proven winner. Practice starts in a few days and I have so many question marks. Am I in good enough shape to run with the kids? What exactly will be my duties? Will I have any of these athletes in my classes? Who knows, but I can't wait to find out.
For a little background about me, I will be student teaching in the business education department. I am 28 years old and have spent the last five years working in the business world. I started out selling TV commercials, but the last four years I spent as an assistant branch manager of a nationwide bank. I am hoping to use all of the knowledge I gained during that time to help better prepare my students.
The thoughts and items posted in this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of the other employees or the school where I am conducting my student teaching. I will never use the real names of anyone involved in my posts, especially my students for obvious reasons.
I am so excited to be finally embarking on this journey. I have been preparing for this for so long and I can't believe it is here. I look forward to providing an inside look at what goes into student teaching, with some coaching thrown in for good measure. Welcome!